Studio Cozy is a 2nd floor unit in the 1444 Dupont complex. The studio is set up for both photography and videography, and the space has been treated to be usable for most live sound recording requirements. Included is a wardrobe/make-up room, kitchen, and restroom. On request, we can set up the large green screen. Scroll to the bottom of the page to see the floor plan.
The Studio features a lounge area that can be used as a waiting room. The working space is 26’ x 26’ and has a wood floor finish. Lots of elbow room here.
If you are recording live sound (eg. an on-camera host) we may be your most economical choice in the city. We will transform the space into a noise-resistant environment.
Casting sessions work very well because visitors enter the lounge first when they arrive and can register while others are auditioning in private.